The vineyard
Bürgergarten "Im Breumel"
The “Breumel in den Mauern” is the uppermost and best parcel of the Bürgergarten. Exclusively owned by Müller-Catoir, this parcel has been carefully preserved throughout the centuries. A high sandstone wall protects the enclosed area from the effects of cold air and creates a unique microclimate. The area, which faces towards the southeast, warms very quickly in the mornings, and due to its proximity to the forest cools quickly after sunset. The deep soil is less rich in the lower section of the Bürgergarten and consists of pure mottled sandstone gravel with a high ratio of decomposed stone.
- Vineyard
- Region: Pfalz
- Vineyard site: Haardter Bürgergarten "Im Breumel"
- Soil: Haardtsandstein
- Vines: 25-26 years
- Height above sea level: 180-190 m
- Slope: sloped 100%
- Direction: SE
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- Expertise (PDF)
- Classification
- VDP.Große Lage
- Wines from this location
- Riesling Großes Gewächs Bürgergarten "Im Breumel"
- Riesling Spätlese Bürgergarten "Im Breumel"