The vineyard
In the Mandelgarten where today vines are planted, almond trees blossomed in the Middle Ages giving the site its name. The soil is comprised of coarse sandstone gravel with layers of loess. Even in dry summers, a water vein, which sits at a depth of two meters and lies on a layer of clay, optimally supplies the vines with water.
- Vineyard
- Region: Pfalz
- Vineyard site: Gimmeldinger Mandelgarten
- Soil: Löss
- Vines: 27 years
- Height above sea level: 150-170 m
- Slope: sloped 30%, flat 70%
- Direction: SE
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- Expertise (PDF)
- Classification
- VDP.Erste Lage
- Wines from this location
- Riesling Mandelgarten
- Riesling Spätlese Mandelgarten